Rescue Line

References-Wildlife Welfare: What it is and why it’s important

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1. Baker, S. E., Cain, R., van Kesteren, F., Zommers, Z. A., D’Cruze, N., & Macdonald, D. W. (2013). Rough Trade: Animal Welfare in the Global Wildlife Trade. BioScience63(12), 928–938.

2. Broom, D. M. (1991). Assessing welfare and suffering. Behavioural Processes25(2), 117–123.

3. Broom, D. M. (2010). Welfare of Animals: Behavior as a Basis for Decisions. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior3, 580–584.

4. Fraser, D., Weary, D., Pajor, E., & Milligan, B. (1997). A Scientific Conception of Animal Welfare that Reflects Ethical Concerns. Ethics and Animal Welfare. Retrieved from

5. Fraser, David. (2010). Toward a Synthesis of Conservation and Animal Welfare Science. Animal Welfare19(2), 121–124.

6. Izidoro, F. B., & Le Pendu, Y. (2012). Estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) (Van Bénéden, 1864) (Cetacea: Delphinidae) in Porto de Ilhéus, Brazil: group characterisation and response to ships. North-Western Journal of Zoology8(2), 232–240.

7. Jordan, B. (2005). Science-based assessment of animal welfare: wild and captive animals. Scientific and Technical Review of the Office International Des Epizooties24(2), 515–528.

8. Mellor, D. J. (2016). Moving beyond the “Five Freedoms” by Updating the “Five Provisions” and Introducing Aligned “Animal Welfare Aims.” Animals: An Open Access Journal from MDPI6(10).

9. Moreno, S., & Plese, T. (2006). The Illegal Traffic in Sloths and Threats to Their Survival in Colombia. Edentata7, 10–18.

10. Paquet, P. C., & Darimont, C. T. (2010, May). Wildlife conservation and animal welfare: two sides of the same coin? [Text]. Retrieved May 2, 2018, from

11. Rabinowitz, P. M., Kock, R., Kachani, M., Kunkel, R., Thomas, J., Gilbert, J., … Rubin, C. (2013). Toward Proof of Concept of a One Health Approach to Disease Prediction and Control. Emerging Infectious Diseases19(12).

12. Sainsbury, A. W., Bennett, P. M., & Kirkwood, J. K. (1995). The Welfare of Free-Living Wild Animals in Europe: Harm Caused by Human Activities. Animal Welfare4(3), 183–206.


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