Beeldverslag 3 - De Bouw Van Het Luiaard Opvang Centrum
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete the center fully by making a donation.
Thank you from Anonymous Sloth to Anonymous Donors!
We just wanted to reach out and thank all donors we cannot thank in a more direct way by email, because they have chosen to remain anonymous. Please know that we really appreciate all you do for us!
Beeldverslag 2 - De Bouw van het Luiaard Opvang Centrum
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete the center fully by making a donation.
Picture Report 1 – Sloth Wellness Center Construction
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete the center fully by making a donation.
Wees Mijn Luiaard (Valentijn)...
Visit our Zazzle store to order your Sloth Valentine’s Card today! Be My Sloth <3 by Green Heritage Fund Suriname
Suriname Stemt Wederom Voor De Walvisvangst
Guest blog by: Julian Pengel Walvisnatie nummer 1 van de wereld, Japan, heeft bij monde van één van zijn IWC vertegenwoordigers ooit beweerd dat de walvissen met hun jaarlijkse consumptie van 500.000.000 ton aan biomassa, een wereldwijde, concurrerende bedreiging vormen voor de commerciële visvangst die op jaarbasis slechts 100.000.000 ton uit de zeeën haalt. Is deze […]
Nieuwe GLOBE-Docenten Voor Suriname
Paramaribo, 23 January 2017 Master Trainer Lynne Harris provides the training for the GLOBE trainers GLOBE master trainer Lynne Harris Hehr (Arkansas, USA) was brought to Suriname by Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) to train teachers as GLOBE trainers. GHFS appointed three teachers this year as ‘traveling teachersʼ. These teachers travel as GLOBE ambassadors […]
This is the story of the sloths having to move to a new location. Follow them as they prepare to move to their own sloth center. Please consider making a donation so it can be fully equipped from the start and check back regularly to see the next episode of the comic.
Conservation International Suriname's neoliberale experiment met bulk-zoetwaterexport
Guest blog by Ravic Nijbroek, PhD. The viability of bulkwater export has been discussed at length in the Surinamese media from different viewpoints. Aside from promotional material, critical questions lingered around concerns that the Surinamese private sector was excluded in key decisions, opposition by the union representatives, and issues around water availability in general. Here, […]
#GivingTuesday Sloth Wish List