Los Voluntarios de GHFS presentan su trabajo a los científicos de la NASA
Carola Poleij y Stellar Tsang presentaron la adaptación de los materiales de GLOBE Suriname a los científicos de la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio (NASA),a fines de Julio durante el encuentro anual de GLOBE en Estes Park, Colorado (USA). Ésta reunión anual marcó el 20 Aniversario de este programa de educación científico […]
Vrijwilligers GHFS Presenteren Hun Werk Aan NASA Wetenschappers
Carola Poleij and Stellar Tsang presented adapted GLOBE materials for Suriname to the scientists of the National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA) at the end of July during the GLOBE annual meeting in Estes Park, Colorado (USA). This annual meeting marked the 20th anniversary of this science education program that is being implemented in 117 […]
Blog de Voluntario – Kasie Wade
Mis estudios sobre pesca y vida silvestre han despertado mi pasión por el conservacionismo y el trabajo de campo. Viajé desde Florida, Estados Unidos, hacia Suriname. Estoy en la quinta de semana de prácticas en Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Trabajo junto a Monique Pool, la fundadora de GHFS. Ella fue nominada como una Heroína CNN […]
Vrijwilligers Blog - Kasie Wade
My studies in Fisheries and Wildlife have brought my passion for conservation and wildlife to hands on experience. I have traveled to Suriname from the United States, from specifically the state of Florida. I am in the fifth week of my internship with the Green Heritage Fund of Suriname. I work closely with Monique Pool […]
Brownsweg Bereidt Zich Voor Op Gevolgen Klimaatverandering
The Head Captain, Captains and Basya’s of Brownsweg are ready for the presentation of GHFS On Sunday, July 3rd, Monique Pool of Green Heritage Fund Suriname presented the second phase of the project entitled ‘Adaptation to climate change for the residents of Brownsweg’ to local authorities and other interested community members. The project, funded by […]
Gezonde Oceaan, Gezonde Planeet
with financing from: Sound in the ocean. Photo: © SpaceQuest and Google Oceans Paramaribo – Wednesday 8 June is World Ocean Day, a fact that Green Heritage Fund Suriname also wants to celebrate this year with the recently released film Sonic Sea. The film screening will take place on 8 June two days before the […]
Vrouwen voor Wildlife Network Buenos Aires bijeenkomst
Empowering Women in Nature Conservation: Argentina and Beyond presented by the Women for Wildlife Network and the University of Buenos Aires, 25-27 April 2016 The past days I had the pleasure to be in the presence of some amazing female conservationists who were looking at how to support young women, both scientists and practitioners, who […]
Feni betekent Gevonden!
Disclaimer: Warning! Not all animals survive their ordeal and some of the pictures below may contain disturbing images. Paramaribo, 18 March 2016 Yesterday I felt depressed and deflated. Something that does not happen too often. My spirit felt hurt and broken. I was wondering, why I ever decided to work in animal rehabilitation, because dealing […]
CNN Heroes 2015 Excerpt Uit De Tribute Show
Voor de mensen die de CNN Heroes show voor de uitreiking van de awards aan de tien finalisten niet hebben gezien, is hierbij het excerpt uit de show over onze oprichter Monique Pool, die een prijs heeft ontvangen van CNN Heroes.
Dagboek Van Een Babyluiaard 1
My name is Isa, I was born on the 22nd of February 2016 around 17:15, and was found by auntie Isabella Kirkland, a visiting artist, who was trying to draw beautiful sketches of my mum and her sloth and anteater cousins. I am the first baby my mum has delivered, so she was helped a little […]