Een miereneter op de brievenbus

May 24th 2022 Today, we received a notification of an anteater, which was found in the middle of a residential area. The person who found the anteater was very concerned with the animal’s safety. He had called several organizations to collect the animal. Fortunately, one of them referred him to us. As soon as we […]

Wereldmiereneterdag – 29 November 2018

On the 29th of November we celebrate World Anteater Day. We also say Tamandua Day, because the day originated in Brazil. Anteaters are like sloths under increasing pressure of habitat loss. Anteaters are amazing animals that have evolved as specialized eaters. They are typically South American animals. In Suriname we have three species of anteaters, […]

Beeldverslag Luiaard Opvang Centrum 4 - Igor

AnteaterTailThis picture report highlights the adventures of Igor, the giant anteater, a short-stay resident at the Sloth Wellness Center in October. This animal was wounded and we cared for him until his wounds had completely healed. He was then released. Please see below for more details about his adventures. If you ever wondered what the bushy […]