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Rescue Line

Animal Rescue Missions

Sloths and anteaters are victimized by urban sprawl in Paramaribo. As the city grows, their forest habitat is lost. Thus, three- and two-fingered sloths, anteaters (silky, lesser or giant) end up in people’s gardens and houses and come in conflict with dogs. People often are scared, or are afraid their small children can be hurt by these now homeless animals. In addition, the changing climate is clearly making an additional impact on the animals surviving in the small forest fragments.

After sloths, anteaters and armadillos are saved from difficult situations, they are cared for in our professional shelter prior to release. The aim is to minimize trauma caused to the wild animals by contact with humans. Thus reducing rehabilitation time and improving survival chances for the sloths, anteaters and armadillos in trouble.

Every now and then we also rescue Brazilian porcupines.

Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth/ Drievingerige Luiaard/ Sonloiri / Drifinga-loiri

Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth /Drievingerige Luiaard/ Sonloiri / Drifinga-loiri

A pale-throated three-toed sloth's hair grows in the opposite direction of most animals' fur, with the ends pointing downward as the sloth hangs upside-down in the trees

Lesser Anteater/ Zuidelijke Boommiereneter/ Mirafroiti

Soutern Tamandua/ Lesser Anteater/ Zuidelijke Boommiereneter/ Zuidelijke Tamanua/ Mirafroiti

This species can give off a strong, smelly scent

Linnaeus' Two-toed Sloth /Tweevingerige Luiaard / Skapuloiri

Linnaeus' or Southern Two-toed Sloth /Tweevingerige Luiaard / Skapuloiri / Tufinga-loiri

The Linnaeus' Two-toed sloths are large for sloths, with an average length of around 67 cm.

Pigmy or Silky Anteater/ Dwergmiereneter/ Likanu

Pigmy or Silky Anteater Dwergmiereneter/ Wespeneter/ Likanu

Silky anteaters can eat between 700 and 5,000 ants a day.

Giant Anteater/ Reuzenmiereneter/ Tamanuwa

Giant Anteater Reuzenmiereneter Tamanuwa

This is the largest anteater species. They can extend their long, worm-like, sticky tongue between 35 and 40 cm.

Brazilian porcupine/ Grijpstaartstekelvarken/ Gindyamaka

Brazilian porcupine/ Grijpstaartstekelvarken/ Gindyamaka

The porcupines stamp their back feet when they are excited and curl up into a ball if caught.




Rescue Line

In case you have an anteater, sloth or armadillo in need you can reach us at

437533 or 8574990

Your generous donations help us rescue, rehab, relocate and release these animals

Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Help the Sloths
