Rescue Line

Slothaggedon: The Story of a Sloth Rescue

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A few days ago I decided that I really have to finish my book about the sloth rescue in 2012, Slothaggedon. Together and with the help of some students and my Professor friend George from Howard University I was able to submit a first paper about the rescue for an initial review. But the book itself, about the whole experience was abandoned somewhere midway, on page 56, and only 10 days from the end of the rescue in 2012. My deadline is the 15th of August, and I know I have a friend in NY, Tabitha, who will ensure that I check my planning. So I just wanted to start with something really simple to share with you from my book. Some simple definitions:

1. Overwhelmed by sloths (literally)
2. Overwhelmed by sloth, feeling so lazy and tired that you don’t want to get out of your bed, because, e.g. you have been catching sloths the whole previous day
3. Charmed and head over heels with sloths because of the overwhelming cuteness of sloths in general and baby sloths in particular
4. Overwhelmed by sloth lovers

Slothing around
1. Wandering aimlessly around without really wanting to do anything useful

1. Covered in ants because you are picking cecropia leaves for sloths

Sloth follower
1. People who are not just big fans of sloths, but really are absolute devotees to the animals for no apparent good reason
2. People who follow sloths literally to find out where they are going when left to their own devices and roam around the house, and watch them for hours slothing around.
3. People who follow all literature, stories, research about sloths.
4. People who celebrate sloths once a year on the third Saturday of October, which is International Sloth Day

1. The end of the world for sloths, symbolized by the destruction of their prime habitat
2. The endless inundation of my world with sloths because of the destruction of their homes

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