My name is Isa, I was born on the 22nd of February 2016 around 17:15, and was found by auntie Isabella Kirkland, a visiting artist, who was trying to draw beautiful sketches of my mum and her sloth and anteater cousins. I am the first baby my mum has delivered, so she was helped a little bit by Monique Pool, our guardian, who after talking to my vet Audrey, cut my umbilical cord. Then my mother finished licking off my amniotic sack and ate it all, ate some leaves, and then she ate the placenta. My mother, Ann, was very hungry after she gave birth to me. Then we snuggled up and went to sleep, I was a bit cold, because my hairs were wet, but in the morning I was completely dry, because my mum kept me really close to her. She did not allow anyone to come near me, nor touch me. So I felt really safe. Whenever I felt hungry I reached for one of her two nipples, which are located almost in her armpit, and drank some breastmilk.