Mercosur Leaders Support Whaling Moratorium

Leaders of Mercosur Give Their Full Support to Whaling Moratorium and the Proposed Creation of the Southern Atlantic Whale Sanctuary. 6. Destacaron su compromiso permanente con la vigencia de la moratoria a la caza de cetáceos, su uso económico no letal y no extractivo, y su total apoyo a la aprobación y posterior implementación de […]

Beeldverslag Van De Viering Van De Wereld Oceaandag.

Our friend Alejandro from Argentina gives instructions about setting up the whale. Rolling out the whale. The ladies of the dolphin programme pay careful attention on how it is done. Our volunteer Elise from California with a stone to ensure that the whale is not going to blow away! The whale looks as if he […]

Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science

The Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science and the preceding film evening at TBL Cinemas were a great success. The films were that evening the best visited films at TBL Cinemas. This evening of films was made possible with the support of the International Ocean Institute and the Ecology Action Centre, Canada, which made the films […]

Resultaten Van De Masterclass In De Mariene Milieuwetenschappen

The Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science and the preceding film evening at TBL Cinemas were a great success. The films were that evening the best visited films at TBL Cinemas. This evening of films was made possible with the support of the International Ocean Institute and the Ecology Action Centre, Canada, which made the films […]

Affiche Gepresenteerd Over Braamspunt Waar Zeeschildpadden Nestelen En Zand Wordt Gewonnen

Roy Ho Tsoi of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management (RGB) and George present during the 11th Regional Sea Turtle Symposium the discussion about co-management in the plenary session. This symposium is held in Asewa Otono in Paramaribo, Suriname. During the session on Marine Spatial Planning the Green Heritage Fund Suriname presented […]

Uruguay Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary a Fact!

The Sanctuary for Whales and Dolphins in Uruguay is approved! This was achieved with an absolute majority of votes in the Parliament of Uruguay. Below the whole story in Spanish. Congratulations to our friends in Uruguay! EL SANTUARIO DE URUGUAY ES UNA REALIDAD!! POR MAYORÍA ABSOLUTA EL PARLAMENTO URUGUAYO APRUEBA EL SANTUARIO El pasado martes […]

Regional workshop on Marine Mammals

Paramaribo, from 18 through 20 March the Green Heritage Fund Suriname hosted a regional workshop on Marine Mammals in the Torarica Banquet Hall. Various international organizations and scientists from the region will gather to discuss the Marine Mammal Conservation Corridor for Northern South America. The three-day workshop is co-organized by the Regional Activity Center for […]