This picture report highlights a day at the Sloth Wellness Center, 10 days after the move. All photos by Stellar Tsang.

As the rescues continue in the city, animals are regularly released around the Sloth Wellness Center

Annelies, one of our loyal volunteers is visiting the sloths at the Sloth Wellness Center

The big balcony is still chaotic as we do not have yet have financing for furniture for the center

The metal stairs at the side of the building leading up to the private space of the workers at the Sloth Wellness Center

The animal treatment room has two windows so that a sufficient natural light source is present

The sloth rescue bus is most active in the city these days and making many miles

A side view of our Sloth Wellness Center

The container building offers enough space for all activities to ensure the wellness of the animals

Isa, the sloth that was born in my house in the city, prefers to stay on the balcony

Elly is also staying nearby in the trees around the center

The leaves of the cecropia are a big favourite of the three-fingered sloths

Boots are required when working in the field