Rescue Line


Together we can make change.

Find out more about Green Heritage Fund Suriname

About the Xenarthra Program

The Xenarthra Program of the foundation is involved in the shelter, care, rehabilitation and release of these animals. This means that orphaned and distressed animals are adopted temporarily until they are healthy and prepared to be returned to the forest.

General Goals

  • Shelter and Rehabilitation of Xenarthra
  • Education and Information
  • Habitat protection

Specific Goals

  • Construction, maintenance and staffing of a professional shelter
  • Establishment of a knowledge centre for the shelter and in situ conservation
  • Continued professionalization of the care and shelter of the animals

More on Xenarthra

The Xenarthra is the order of animals that includes sloths (2 species in Suriname), armadillos (6 species in Suriname) and anteaters (3 species in Suriname).

Visits to our center are only possible after an appointment has been made and confirmed. Appointments should be made preferably a week in advance. For more information go to the Visit Us page.

How did we start

The establishment in 2005 of this project was to convey a conservation message by means of creating an education and sustainable product. This message has three layers, first, sloths are beautiful and gentle animals, which should be appreciated by all Surinamers; second, people should not take animals from the wild or from their mothers to live with people; and third, awareness-raising about habitat loss.

The ultimate goal of this project is to have children and adults rediscover their bond with nature and their own humanity and compassion by means of an original Surinamese product. The Green Heritage Fund Suriname is convinced that if we are not able of restoring this bond we will ultimately hamper the survival of the human species. The situation of the sloth goes hand in hand with making people more aware of the threat that habitat loss means to all species, including humans.

Blog Posts


Thankful at the End of 2022

We have a lot to be thankful for at the end of this year. We had many interns and volunteers turn up to help with


How are baby sloths born?

Have you ever wondered how a baby sloth is born? Although I know that baby sloths are born in trees. I just realized on the


An anteater on the mailbox

May 24th 2022 Today, we received a notification of an anteater, which was found in the middle of a residential area. The person who found

Research papers and brochures

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