We managed to give all animals with the exception of Stoney and Elly their own moving box. Stoney and Elly were in one kennel together. We managed to put all the kennels in the Sloth Rescue Vehicle. And at around 5 PM we set out to the center with a moving van and all animals in the Sloth Rescue Bus. The animals who were not used to being confined to a small space were stressed by this adventure. The big exception were probably the anteaters who like to be confined to a small dark space where they can sleep.

As the enclosures were taken down in the garden, the animals were transferred to kennels.

Yvonne and loyal volunteer Annelies are tending to their wards.

After an hour’s ride, the animals arrived at the center and are taken out of the Sloth Rescue Van

Before the night falls, the animals are moved to the balcony to acclimatize to the new forest environment.
We were now ready to spend the first night at the center. The babies were left behind in the city with Annelies, who would take care of them for one day, after which we would transfer them on the 1st of August also to the Center. We started to prepare their food and care for them and hope they would feel more at ease in the morning.
Thanks to our volunteers things went well at this end. We also have to thank our friends from Bloemendaal, who were waiting for us with 14 people to help unload the moving van in a mere 20 minutes. We managed to unload everything just before night fell.