Dank U Vanuit Het Luiaard Wellness Centrum En Gelukkig 2018!
When we heard on the 4th of January that we really had to move, we were shocked because we had a deadline, but also grateful that our landlord gave us the opportunity to set our own deadline. He even allowed us when the time neared to extend it by a month. So we moved, […]
Beeldverslag Luiaard Opvang Centrum 4 - Igor
AnteaterTailThis picture report highlights the adventures of Igor, the giant anteater, a short-stay resident at the Sloth Wellness Center in October. This animal was wounded and we cared for him until his wounds had completely healed. He was then released. Please see below for more details about his adventures. If you ever wondered what the bushy […]
Picture Report Sloth Wellness Center 3
This picture report highlights the daily activities, biodiversity and animal adventures at the Sloth Wellness Center in August. All photos by Stellar Tsang.
Dolfijnen In Gevaar Door Ons Slechte Beheer Van De Oceaan
We had already heard that the dolphins in Brazil were very polluted, but now there is even more evidence that dolphins may actually be the canary for our oceans. The new canary in the coal mine: dolphins
Picture Report Sloth Wellness Center 2
This picture report highlights a day at the Sloth Wellness Center, 10 days after the move. All photos by Stellar Tsang.
Beeldverslag Luiaard Opvang Centrum 1
Dit beeldverslag toont een dag uit het leven van verschillende dieren, voorafgaand aan de verhuizing naar het Luiaard Opvang Centrum. Alle foto's zijn gemaakt door Stellar Tsang.
Small problems causing delays for the Sloth Wellness Center
At the beginning of July we received these pictures from the supplier of our solar energy system 🙁 We made a post on facebook about this to see if Elon Musk could help out with a powerwall so that our sloth babies would have energy for their incubator at night.
We zijn verhuisd! (aflevering 2)
We managed to give all animals with the exception of Stoney and Elly their own moving box. Stoney and Elly were in one kennel together. We managed to put all the kennels in the Sloth Rescue Vehicle. And at around 5 PM we set out to the center with a moving van and all animals […]
Resten Van Unieke Reuzenluiaard Ontdekt In Mexico
Mexican scientists said Wednesday they have discovered the fossilized remains of a previously unknown species of giant sloth that lived 10,000 years ago and died at the bottom of a sinkhole. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-08-ancient-species-giant-sloth-mexico.html#jCp
We Zijn Verhuisd! (Aflevering 1)
So we moved. Dealing with a difficult situation of no energy, no water, unfinished building. But there was no other option. The operation started on the 30th of July, when we drove out to the center with four animals that we had rescued in the past three days, and who were ready to be released. […]