Stedelijke Bosfragmenten

World Wildlife Day 2019 In observance of World Wildlife Day on Sunday, the 3rdof March, we wanted to share with you some of our thoughts on wildlife in urban areas. After the 2012 rescue, we were left startled at the sheer number of animals rescued, and exhausted from the work involved in rescuing, rehabilitating, caring […]

Een luiaard genaamd Cliff

A sloth called Cliff Kenneth started calling me at the end of December 2018 about a two-fingered sloth that was of concern to him. The animal had been around his family’s house in the trees, but sometimes also in the ceiling of the house. He said he thought it had been around for at least […]

Chinese Year of the Pig

Today, the 5th of February 2019 is the first day in the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig. For us that includes also their wild cousins of this New World, the Collared Peccary and the White-lipped Peccary, from the family of the Tayassuidae (New World pigs). We sometimes see these around our center, but they are […]

Het welzijn van wilde dieren: luiaards

Suriname is home to two species of sloth, the three-fingered Bradypus tridactylus and the two-fingered Choloepus didactylus. Although neither species is currently considered threatened with extinction [12, 13] , their well-being and health is threatened to varying degrees by many activities in different parts of their range. DEFORESTATION Both the three and two fingered sloths are arboreal, so deforestation […]

Het welzijn van wilde dieren: xenarthra, dolfijnen en lamantijnen

Wildlife welfare is the field of study that considers how human activities impact the well-being and quality of life of free-living wild animals. Many practices humans engage in, such as deforestation, mining, pet trade, and hunting, can cause harm and create long-term suffering and poor welfare states in wild animals [55]. Negative welfare for a […]

Muskieten bestrijden door ze beter te begrijpen

The Fighting Mosquito-borne Illnesses through STEM Education project In Suriname there are a lot of mosquitoes, everyone knows that. Besides the many innocent, but still annoying types of mosquitoes, we also have a few dangerous species that can transmit diseases to humans, just think of the Aedes aegypti also known as the dengue mosquito. This […]

Onze Reis Naar Een Plasticvrij Suriname

Plastic. It’s hard to imagine a life without plastic products. While plastic can be useful, the manner in which we use it and dispose of it is often bad for both the environment and our health. This is especially the case with single use plastics. Single use plastics products such as straws, bottles, spoons, bags […]

Deel 2 – Het welzijn van wilde dieren: wat is dat en waarom is het belangrijk

WHAT WILDLIFE WELFARE IS NOT Further, there is a difference between animal welfare and animal rights [10], although both fields are grounded in ethical considerations of animal life. There are key distinctions between the two, which are often unknown, that make scientists, policy-makers, and regular civilians reluctant to consider animal welfare a legitimate field. ANIMAL WELFARE […]

References-Wildlife Welfare: What it is and why it’s important

1. Baker, S. E., Cain, R., van Kesteren, F., Zommers, Z. A., D’Cruze, N., & Macdonald, D. W. (2013). Rough Trade: Animal Welfare in the Global Wildlife Trade. BioScience, 63(12), 928–938. 2. Broom, D. M. (1991). Assessing welfare and suffering. Behavioural Processes, 25(2), 117–123. 3. Broom, D. M. (2010). Welfare of Animals: Behavior as a Basis for […]

Deel 1 – Het welzijn van wilde dieren: wat is dat en waarom is het belangrijk

Animal welfare is the answer to the ethical question people have been asking for years: how should humans treat animals? Although certainly grounded in morality and respect for the creatures we share our planet with, animal welfare is not solely philosophical. In fact, in recent decades, the science behind animal welfare has become better understood […]