2019 Wij komen eraan!

We had a wonderful year! Slowly things started falling into place after a bit of a chaotic ending of 2017. But, things started lining up. Animals and humans started getting used to our their new home. We had to say farewell to our most precious friend Isa in February, a bright star now in the […]

Wereldmiereneterdag – 29 November 2018

On the 29th of November we celebrate World Anteater Day. We also say Tamandua Day, because the day originated in Brazil. Anteaters are like sloths under increasing pressure of habitat loss. Anteaters are amazing animals that have evolved as specialized eaters. They are typically South American animals. In Suriname we have three species of anteaters, […]

Dank Zeggen!

Today we want to focus on giving thanks to our donors, including the anonymous ones. We wanted in particular to highlight the work of one of our biggest private donors, because we love the amazing glass art Brandon Martin makes to help our work with the sloths, and to express our gratitude for his commitment […]

Het Verhaal Van 19 November

For some of you, this might be just an ordinary day. Not for Green Heritage Fund Suriname. This day reminds us of a beginning and an end.  I will start at the beginning. I remember the first day as a volunteer. Before the sloth wellness center was officially open, Monique’s house was the rehabilitation and […]

De Geest Van Goud

Recently I had the pleasure of working with Faye, an indigenous leader from the Wapishana tribe in the South Rupununi in Guyana. She told me about the pollution caused by gold-mining in the head waters of four villages in her country. Faye told me that although the villagers knew that the pollution caused by the […]

Luiaards Één Jaar In Het Luiaard Wellness Centrum

When I first arrived in Suriname, I had little knowledge about the small, slow, incredible creatures I would soon grow to love. In the United States, sloths are internet sensations. Due to their specialized lifestyle and fragile nature, sloths, particularly three-fingered species, are not common zoo animals. So, the only real exposure to these animals […]

Zie Mariene Interacties: Belangenbehartiging Voor De Oceaan En Weerbaarheid Aan De Kust

School visits to inform students from senior secondary school about the sea of Suriname in the capital Paramaribo are conducted by the GHFS team. At each of the visits students are surveyed to gauge their knowledge and interest in the marine area of Suriname and beyond. See Marine Interactions works on people centered advocacy required to […]

Beeldverslag Luiaard Opvang Centrum 5 - Beetje Bij Beetje...

Thanks to important donations from Kosmos Energy and the continuation of our partnership with Welttierschutzgesellschaft and of course our loyal donors through Global Giving we are now finishing the Intensive Care unit, the access to the IC unit, the animal treatment room, and the animal kitchen. We also worked on upgrading the human kitchen, so […]

Dank U Vanuit Het Luiaard Wellness Centrum En Gelukkig 2018!

  When we heard on the 4th of January that we really had to move, we were shocked because we had a deadline, but also grateful that our landlord gave us the opportunity to set our own deadline. He even allowed us when the time neared to extend it by a month. So we moved, […]

Beeldverslag Luiaard Opvang Centrum 4 - Igor

AnteaterTailThis picture report highlights the adventures of Igor, the giant anteater, a short-stay resident at the Sloth Wellness Center in October. This animal was wounded and we cared for him until his wounds had completely healed. He was then released. Please see below for more details about his adventures. If you ever wondered what the bushy […]