Thankful at the End of 2022

We have a lot to be thankful for at the end of this year. We had many interns and volunteers turn up to help with our work. Frances entered data for all our Paramaribo rescues of the past five years while immediately mapping them. Wianda entered data from many, many years of feeding our temporary […]
Luiaards Één Jaar In Het Luiaard Wellness Centrum

When I first arrived in Suriname, I had little knowledge about the small, slow, incredible creatures I would soon grow to love. In the United States, sloths are internet sensations. Due to their specialized lifestyle and fragile nature, sloths, particularly three-fingered species, are not common zoo animals. So, the only real exposure to these animals […]
Vrijwilligersblog – Greta Wong

Hello! My name is Greta Wong, and I am an American university student, studying Organismic Evolutionary Biology, with an interest in conservation. As such, GHFS has been such a perfect learning platform. With so many projects going on, it’s easy to absorb knowledge just by talking with the other volunteers about their projects. Although I’ve […]
Vrijwilligers Blog - Kasie Wade

My studies in Fisheries and Wildlife have brought my passion for conservation and wildlife to hands on experience. I have traveled to Suriname from the United States, from specifically the state of Florida. I am in the fifth week of my internship with the Green Heritage Fund of Suriname. I work closely with Monique Pool […]