Green Heritage Fund Suriname Continues Successful Collaboration with Welttierschutzgesellschaft

The Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) is pleased to announce the continuation of its successful collaboration with Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V. (WTG) for an additional two years. This partnership, which began in 2016, has been instrumental in professionalizing animal care and rehabilitation efforts in Suriname. Since its inception, the collaboration between GHFS and WTG has yielded significant […]
Rattenbestrijding uit de hand gelopen in Nickerie? Rattengif een grote bedreiging voor het wild, vee, en de gezondheid en het welzijn van de mens

The western District of Nickerie has been struggling with a rat invasion for several months, leading to several human deaths due to Weil’s disease. Although a suggestion was made to introduce cats, which are notoriously absent in the rice district, this practical and nature-friendly remedy still needs to be adopted. In the meantime, the rat […]
Thankful at the End of 2022

We have a lot to be thankful for at the end of this year. We had many interns and volunteers turn up to help with our work. Frances entered data for all our Paramaribo rescues of the past five years while immediately mapping them. Wianda entered data from many, many years of feeding our temporary […]
How are baby sloths born?

Have you ever wondered how a baby sloth is born? Although I know that baby sloths are born in trees. I just realized on the 27th of September that it is a risky business! On the 27th of September, we received a call that a baby sloth had been found on the ground in someone’s […]

Since I am not a real boiti sma*, nor a lover of duck meat, probably because I grew up with Donald Duck (and I am now a vegetarian), the signs along the side of the road that advertise the sale of live animals, are not always understandable to me. I always look with question marks in […]
A Mother’s Day Miracle in French Guiana

A beautiful Mother’s day story to show how important the bond is between a mother sloth and her baby.
Het Vieren Van Het Leven Van Jinkoe

On the 26th of June 2017, which was a national holiday in my country, I was called by an outpatient caretaker. While visiting a patient she had seen a baby sloth in a bush along the road, and when she saw it again on her way back, all wet and alone, she decided that she […]
Stedelijke Bosfragmenten

World Wildlife Day 2019 In observance of World Wildlife Day on Sunday, the 3rdof March, we wanted to share with you some of our thoughts on wildlife in urban areas. After the 2012 rescue, we were left startled at the sheer number of animals rescued, and exhausted from the work involved in rescuing, rehabilitating, caring […]
Een luiaard genaamd Cliff

A sloth called Cliff Kenneth started calling me at the end of December 2018 about a two-fingered sloth that was of concern to him. The animal had been around his family’s house in the trees, but sometimes also in the ceiling of the house. He said he thought it had been around for at least […]
Chinese Year of the Pig

Today, the 5th of February 2019 is the first day in the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig. For us that includes also their wild cousins of this New World, the Collared Peccary and the White-lipped Peccary, from the family of the Tayassuidae (New World pigs). We sometimes see these around our center, but they are […]