
Dolphin trip 24 January 2016

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Notes and images from the field from Stellar Tsang, one of our photographers:

The dolphins were having a blast, got to get close to an osprey, a frigate bird flew over us while pooping (lucky for us there was a strong wind), jumping baby dolphins, beautiful sunset and more jumping baby dolphins!… I got to take my favourite dolphin picture: this split second I was looking at this dolphin and he/she looked right back at me and I caught that exact moment in the light of a sunset! Unbelievable! What a day! 😀

Greater Ani (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Greater Ani (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Scarlet ibis (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Scarlet ibis (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Osprey (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Osprey (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Frigate bird (bomb) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Frigate bird (bomb) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Fire at Rust en Werk (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Fire at Rust en Werk (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Jumping dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Jumping dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Spy-hopping (Sotalia guianensis) (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
An active afternoon with the Guiana dolphins of the Suriname River (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
An active afternoon with the Guiana dolphins of the Suriname River (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Beautiful sunset (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Beautiful sunset (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Happy Guiana dolphin babies in the Suriname River (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Happy Guiana dolphin babies in the Suriname River (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Birds in association with the dolphins (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Birds in association with the dolphins (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Roosting time... (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
Roosting time… (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
A scarlet ibis roosting with the white egrets (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS
A scarlet ibis roosting with the white egrets (c) Stellar Tsang with the GHFS

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