33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA’s) goedgekeurd in groeiend portfolio van mondiale oceaangebieden wachtend op natuurbehoudsmaatregelen
Er zijn 33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (belangrijke zeezoogdiergebieden – IMMA’s) geïdentificeerd en op de kaart[1] geplaatst in de Zuidwest-Atlantische Oceaan vanaf de Guianas, ten noorden van de Braziliaanse Amazone, tot het puntje van Tierra del Fuego, Argentinië. Dit is het eindresultaat van een proces van een jaar, met een intensieve vijfdaagse workshop van […]
How are baby sloths born?
Have you ever wondered how a baby sloth is born? Although I know that baby sloths are born in trees. I just realized on the 27th of September that it is a risky business! On the 27th of September, we received a call that a baby sloth had been found on the ground in someone’s […]
PERSBERICHT Het bevorderen van klimaatdemocratie in Guyana, Suriname en Trinidad and Tobago.
Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago ‘Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago’ is a joint project, pioneered by IAMovement, in partnership with the United Nations Democracy Fund, and is being implemented with partners in Guyana and Suriname. With Implementation partners in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname, […]
Rotterdammer Loopt Marathon Voor GHFS
By Carola PoleyTranslated from Dutch by Ted van Hooff By running the Rotterdam Marathon, Albert Aletrino (21) has raised a significant amount of money for Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS). Albert completed the 42 kilometer distance in 3 hours and 48 minutes, collecting €610. Albert has fond memories of the Surinamese Foundation: “The last time […]
Dichterbij De Zee Met De Foto Expositie “De Zee Van Suriname”
PARAMARIBO, 8 November 2018 – Prior to the school holidays Green Heritage Fund Suriname (G.H.F.S) made school visits to Junior Secondary General schools in Paramaribo to inform students about the Sea of Suriname. Last year this Expo traveled to different coastal communities from Nickerie to Galibi. This was a good opportunity to exchange information with people […]
Officiële Opening Xenarthra Rehabilitatiecentrum Een Feit
On Friday the 2nd of November 2018, the Rescue Center for Sloths, Anteaters and Armadillos was officially opened by Roline Samsoedien, Minister of Spatial Planning, Land and Forest Management. She was assisted by District Commissioner of Saramacca, Laksmienarain Doebay, and the Permanent Secretary of her Ministry, Ms. Leandra Woei. The Head of the Forestry Service, […]
Breaking news from the Sloth Wellness Center
We have now moved a little over a year ago to the Sloth Wellness Center, where the long-term residents Lucas, 19November and Ann (5 years in our care), as well as Anna (1 year in our care) and Beertje have found a new home in the forest surrounding our facilities. We regularly see 19November, Anna […]
Zie Mariene Interacties: Belangenbehartiging Voor De Oceaan En Weerbaarheid Aan De Kust
School visits to inform students from senior secondary school about the sea of Suriname in the capital Paramaribo are conducted by the GHFS team. At each of the visits students are surveyed to gauge their knowledge and interest in the marine area of Suriname and beyond. See Marine Interactions works on people centered advocacy required to […]
Wereld Oceaandag En March For The Ocean 2018
Paramaribo – Friday, June 8 is World Ocean Day, a fact that Green Heritage Fund Suriname in collaboration with The American Corner of the American Embassy and WWF Guianas this year wants to commemorate with the film Mission Blue. In addition, a major awareness event will be held on Saturday, June 9 at the […]
Opmerkelijke Studie Over Zwemmende Voorouders Van De Luiaards
Please check out this article if you are interested in knowing more about the swimming sloth ancestors of our contemporary sloths. http://www.eartharchives.org/articles/the-giant-sloths-that-lived-in-the-sea/