All activities of the foundation are aimed at improving the awareness and the understanding of the general public regarding environmental issues. They are in general aimed at promoting sustainable development and the conservation and wise use of nature and natural resources in Suriname.
General Goals
To create a more informed citizenry through education (formal and informal training) and information with regard to the values of nature conservation by institutionalizing a nature conservation ethic.
Specific Goals
- Facilitate the implementation of the GLOBE program in Suriname
- Provide guest lessons/ lectures at schools and institutes on all levels and involve the citizenry in practicing science to protect the environment.
- Promote and facilitate the formal training and education of volunteers.
- Provide training for volunteers.
- Engage in cooperation with national and international actors to provide education.
- Publish newsworthy facts pertaining to the GHFS through the media and the GHFS newsletter.
- Organize public information meetings on environmental issues.
- Promote the exchange of knowledge between volunteers and important national and international actors in the field of conservation.