Dolfijnen spotten in de Surinamerivier!

Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er niet alleen dolfijnen waargenomen, maar vindt er ook onderzoek naar de helderheid, de saliniteit, en de pH-waarde van het water bij de waarnemingen plaats. Daarnaast wordt er zo veel mogelijk […]
33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA’s) goedgekeurd in groeiend portfolio van mondiale oceaangebieden wachtend op natuurbehoudsmaatregelen

Er zijn 33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (belangrijke zeezoogdiergebieden – IMMA’s) geïdentificeerd en op de kaart[1] geplaatst in de Zuidwest-Atlantische Oceaan vanaf de Guianas, ten noorden van de Braziliaanse Amazone, tot het puntje van Tierra del Fuego, Argentinië. Dit is het eindresultaat van een proces van een jaar, met een intensieve vijfdaagse workshop van […]
PERSBERICHT Het bevorderen van klimaatdemocratie in Guyana, Suriname en Trinidad and Tobago.

Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago ‘Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago’ is a joint project, pioneered by IAMovement, in partnership with the United Nations Democracy Fund, and is being implemented with partners in Guyana and Suriname. With Implementation partners in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname, […]
Een miereneter op de brievenbus

May 24th 2022 Today, we received a notification of an anteater, which was found in the middle of a residential area. The person who found the anteater was very concerned with the animal’s safety. He had called several organizations to collect the animal. Fortunately, one of them referred him to us. As soon as we […]
Raising awareness about the marine and mangrove ecosystems in Suriname during COVID: Update on “School-Based Training and Extracurricular Events for the Community Conservation of Mangroves”

While we had a lot of plans for the first six months of this project, a lot of the activities had to be postponed or adapted due to COVID-19. Initially, we had planned to hold school-based training events in April 2021 in various secondary (MULO) schools in both Nickerie and Coronie. However, due to the […]
Travelling GLOBE-Trainers Een Feit!

Press release, Paramaribo 8 March 2017 GHFS director Pool with GLOBE trainers Kalloe, dos Ramos and Zebeda A festive moment during the volunteer day of Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS). Traveling teachers Meriam Kalloe, Gabriella dos Ramos, Zequira Zebeda and Roshni Adjodhia (not in the photo) received their official GLOBE-trainer certificate from GHFS director Monique […]