


Stedelijke Bosfragmenten

World Wildlife Day 2019 In observance of World Wildlife Day on Sunday, the 3rdof March, we wanted to share with you some of our thoughts


Een luiaard genaamd Cliff

A sloth called Cliff Kenneth started calling me at the end of December 2018 about a two-fingered sloth that was of concern to him. The

Education & Research

Chinese Year of the Pig

Today, the 5th of February 2019 is the first day in the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig. For us that includes also their wild


Het welzijn van wilde dieren: luiaards

Suriname is home to two species of sloth, the three-fingered Bradypus tridactylus and the two-fingered Choloepus didactylus. Although neither species is currently considered threatened with extinction [12, 13] ,

Muskieten bestrijden door ze beter te begrijpen

The Fighting Mosquito-borne Illnesses through STEM Education project In Suriname there are a lot of mosquitoes, everyone knows that. Besides the many innocent, but still

Onze Reis Naar Een Plasticvrij Suriname

Plastic. It’s hard to imagine a life without plastic products. While plastic can be useful, the manner in which we use it and dispose of


2019 Wij komen eraan!

We had a wonderful year! Slowly things started falling into place after a bit of a chaotic ending of 2017. But, things started lining up.


Wereldmiereneterdag – 29 November 2018

On the 29th of November we celebrate World Anteater Day. We also say Tamandua Day, because the day originated in Brazil. Anteaters are like sloths


Dank Zeggen!

Today we want to focus on giving thanks to our donors, including the anonymous ones. We wanted in particular to highlight the work of one


Het Verhaal Van 19 November

For some of you, this might be just an ordinary day. Not for Green Heritage Fund Suriname. This day reminds us of a beginning and

Green Community Development Program

De Geest Van Goud

Recently I had the pleasure of working with Faye, an indigenous leader from the Wapishana tribe in the South Rupununi in Guyana. She told me

Dolphin Program

Foto- En Videorapport Wereldoceaandag 2018

This year in addition to planning the screening of ocean related movies with the American Corner at TBL Cinemas, we also decided to participate in

Naar de inhoud springen