
Dolphin Program Blog Posts

Dolphin Program

Dolfijnen spotten in de Surinamerivier!

Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er

Green Community Development Program

Community Conservation of Mangroves

The Green Heritage Fund Suriname, with funding from the IDB LAB, will pilot a model of Community Based Mangrove Management (CBMM) in the coastal districts,

Dolphin Program

Foto- En Videorapport Wereldoceaandag 2018

This year in addition to planning the screening of ocean related movies with the American Corner at TBL Cinemas, we also decided to participate in

Dolphin Program

In 2050 Is Er Meer Plastic In De Oceaan Dan Vis

Paramaribo – Thursday June 8th is World Oceans Day, a fact that Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) will commemorate with the recent film ‘A Plastic Ocean’. The

Dolphin Program

De Zee Van Suriname

“Suriname is one of the greenest countries in the world and we must protect and conserve our green country”, you may have heard this statement, but

Dolphin Program

Suriname Stemt Wederom Voor De Walvisvangst

Guest blog by: Julian Pengel Walvisnatie nummer 1 van de wereld, Japan, heeft bij monde van één van zijn IWC vertegenwoordigers ooit beweerd dat de walvissen

Dolphin Program

Gezonde Oceaan, Gezonde Planeet

with financing from: Sound in the ocean. Photo: © SpaceQuest and Google Oceans Paramaribo – Wednesday 8 June is World Ocean Day, a fact that

Mercosur Leaders Support Whaling Moratorium

Leaders of Mercosur Give Their Full Support to Whaling Moratorium and the Proposed Creation of the Southern Atlantic Whale Sanctuary. 6. Destacaron su compromiso permanente

Dolphin Program

Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science

The Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science and the preceding film evening at TBL Cinemas were a great success. The films were that evening the best

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