Sloths one year at the Sloth Wellness Center in Saramacca
When I first arrived in Suriname, I had little knowledge about the small, slow, incredible creatures I would soon grow to love. In the United
When I first arrived in Suriname, I had little knowledge about the small, slow, incredible creatures I would soon grow to love. In the United
Please check out this article if you are interested in knowing more about the swimming sloth ancestors of our contemporary sloths. http://www.eartharchives.org/articles/the-giant-sloths-that-lived-in-the-sea/
Thanks to important donations from Kosmos Energy and the continuation of our partnership with Welttierschutzgesellschaft and of course our loyal donors through Global Giving we
We are very honoured with the beautiful French documentary highlighting the work of Monique Pool and her team. Franck Sanson from Prontoprod, and his team,
At the end of March the Surinamese and German NGO partners signed a new partnership agreement to continue the rescue and rehabilitation work of sloths,
Science Advances published an article on what possibly may have been a Ground Sloth Hunt by humans. Footprints preserve terminal Pleistocene hunt? Human-sloth interactions in
Paramaribo – the Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) has extended the Sloth Award 2017 to Wynne Minkes. Minkes has given her time and energy to
When we heard on the 4th of January that we really had to move, we were shocked because we had a deadline, but also
AnteaterTailThis picture report highlights the adventures of Igor, the giant anteater, a short-stay resident at the Sloth Wellness Center in October. This animal was wounded and
This picture report highlights the daily activities, biodiversity and animal adventures at the Sloth Wellness Center in August. All photos by Stellar Tsang.
This picture report highlights a day at the Sloth Wellness Center, 10 days after the move. All photos by Stellar Tsang.
This picture report highlights a day in the lives of different animals prior to the Move to the Sloth Wellness Center. All photos by Stellar
At the beginning of July we received these pictures from the supplier of our solar energy system 🙁 We made a post on facebook about
We managed to give all animals with the exception of Stoney and Elly their own moving box. Stoney and Elly were in one kennel together.
Mexican scientists said Wednesday they have discovered the fossilized remains of a previously unknown species of giant sloth that lived 10,000 years ago and died
So we moved. Dealing with a difficult situation of no energy, no water, unfinished building. But there was no other option. The operation started on
Ruben Leter and his colleague student Bregje Bouma from the School for Journalism in Utrecht, the Netherlands, visited us just before we are moving. For
30 June 2017, 15:00 Monique Pool Photo Marcel Wogram https://www.volkskrant.nl/beter-leven/reistip-bekijk-de-luiaard-van-dichtbij-in-suriname- knuffelen-mag-helaas-niet~b324d738/ Few animals are as cute as a sloth. You wouldn’t think it, if you
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete
This picture report is to show the progress in the construction of the Sloth Wellness Center which is not yet fully funded. Please help us complete
All activities of the foundation are aimed at improving the awareness and the understanding of the general public regarding environmental issues.
They are in general aimed at promoting sustainable development and the conservation and wise use of nature and natural resources in Suriname.
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