The Sea of Suriname

“Suriname is one of the greenest countries in the world and we must protect and conserve our green country”, you may have heard this statement, but Suriname does not only consist of forests and rivers that need to be protected and preserved. What about the ‘blue’ that lies in front of our coast? As a child or […]

Download the Green Heritage Fund Suriname App

Always the first to get the latest news from Green Heritage Fund Suriname with our app! Download the app from the Apple store of Google play, you will receive notifications in the form of a sloth icon on your telephone or tablet each time we make a post on our website. App A sloth baby born, […]

Travelling GLOBE-Trainers Now a Fact!

Press release, Paramaribo 8 March 2017 GHFS director Pool with GLOBE trainers Kalloe, dos Ramos and Zebeda A festive moment during the volunteer day of Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS). Traveling teachers Meriam Kalloe, Gabriella dos Ramos, Zequira Zebeda and Roshni Adjodhia (not in the photo) received their official GLOBE-trainer certificate from GHFS director Monique […]

Suriname again votes for whaling

Guest blog by: Julian Pengel Walvisnatie nummer 1 van de wereld, Japan, heeft bij monde van één van zijn IWC vertegenwoordigers ooit beweerd dat de walvissen met hun jaarlijkse consumptie van 500.000.000 ton aan biomassa, een wereldwijde, concurrerende bedreiging vormen voor de commerciële visvangst die op jaarbasis slechts 100.000.000 ton uit de zeeën haalt. Is deze […]

New GLOBE teachers for Suriname

Paramaribo, 23 January 2017   Master Trainer Lynne Harris provides the training for the GLOBE trainers GLOBE master trainer Lynne Harris Hehr (Arkansas, USA) was brought to Suriname by Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) to train teachers as GLOBE trainers. GHFS appointed three teachers this year as ‘traveling teachersʼ. These teachers travel as GLOBE ambassadors […]

Does Suriname turn its back on the rest of South America?

In a few days the 66th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will begin in Slovenia. This time, one of the most important issues on the agenda, next to the special permits, is undoubtedly the vote on the Southern Atlantic Whale Sanctuary. This year Brazil, Argentina, Gabon, Uruguay and South Africa will table this […]

GHFS new partner for German Welttierschutzgesellschaft

The German Foundation Welttierschutzgesellschaft (WTG) and Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) have entered into an agreement to work together to help protect Surinamese wildlife, in particular sloths and anteaters. During a visit by Project Director Daniela Schrudde in the past week the German foundation handed over a special rescue vehicle to transport the animals that […]

Little Scientists do Big Research into the Weather at Brownsweg

Today Green Heritage Fund Suriname started a holiday activity in Brownsweg. Children will do real scientific research into the weather during a period of three weeks. This educational project is part of a larger project (with financing of the Alcoa foundation) Which helps the inhabitants of Brownsweg To get a better grip on the tangible consequences of […]

GHFS Volunteers present their work to NASA scientists

Carola Poleij and Stellar Tsang presented adapted GLOBE materials for Suriname to the scientists of the National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA) at the end of July during the GLOBE annual meeting in Estes Park, Colorado (USA). This annual meeting marked the 20th anniversary of this science education program that is being implemented in 117 […]

Brownsweg prepares for impacts of climate change

The Head Captain, Captains and Basya’s of Brownsweg are ready for the presentation of GHFS On Sunday, July 3rd, Monique Pool of Green Heritage Fund Suriname presented the second phase of the project entitled ‘Adaptation to climate change for the residents of Brownsweg’ to local authorities and other interested community members. The project, funded by […]