Dolfijnen spotten in de Surinamerivier!
Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er
Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er
The Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) is pleased to announce the continuation of its successful collaboration with Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V. (WTG) for an additional two years.
Er zijn 33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (belangrijke zeezoogdiergebieden – IMMA’s) geïdentificeerd en op de kaart[1] geplaatst in de Zuidwest-Atlantische Oceaan vanaf de Guianas,
A methodology to create innovative solutions Paramaribo, 7 April 2023. Written by Romke van der Lem en Lukas van den Oever. On Thursday, April 6th,
The western District of Nickerie has been struggling with a rat invasion for several months, leading to several human deaths due to Weil’s disease. Although
We have a lot to be thankful for at the end of this year. We had many interns and volunteers turn up to help with
Have you ever wondered how a baby sloth is born? Although I know that baby sloths are born in trees. I just realized on the
Since I am not a real boiti sma*, nor a lover of duck meat, probably because I grew up with Donald Duck (and I am now
Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago ‘Advancing Climate Democracy in Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago’ is a joint project, pioneered
May 24th 2022 Today, we received a notification of an anteater, which was found in the middle of a residential area. The person who found
While we had a lot of plans for the first six months of this project, a lot of the activities had to be postponed or
This component seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange between various stakeholders in community-centered interventions for the conservation of mangroves. The knowledge exchange has multiple dimensions and
This component seeks to develop a relevant curriculum and deliver training for Nickerie and Coronie. This training aims to support sustainable practices and livelihoods of
This key component of the Community Conservation of Mangroves project aims to develop content and execute activities that will build community and stakeholder awareness and
The Green Heritage Fund Suriname, with funding from the IDB LAB, will pilot a model of Community Based Mangrove Management (CBMM) in the coastal districts,
A beautiful Mother’s day story to show how important the bond is between a mother sloth and her baby.
By Ted van Hooff When you think of Green Heritage Fund Suriname, you think of sloths. Yet the foundation does more than rehabilitate this species.
By Ted van Hooff The sea and coastal area of the Guianas is home to many extraordinary animal species, among which are the Guiana dolphin,
On the 26th of June 2017, which was a national holiday in my country, I was called by an outpatient caretaker. While visiting a patient
By Carola PoleyTranslated from Dutch by Ted van Hooff By running the Rotterdam Marathon, Albert Aletrino (21) has raised a significant amount of money for
By Ted van Hooff ‘There’s a sloth in a car tire above the water behind my house.’ We find sloths in the strangest places. When
By Ted van Hooff When Sigfried, a cock who is always alert, starts to crow at a tree in a backyard in South Paramaribo, his
All activities of the foundation are aimed at improving the awareness and the understanding of the general public regarding environmental issues.
They are in general aimed at promoting sustainable development and the conservation and wise use of nature and natural resources in Suriname.
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