One Little Bright Star was added to the Constellation of Sloth
When you hear that there is talk about stars and constellations, you already are bracing yourself for unpleasant news. Someone must have died. And indeed,
When you hear that there is talk about stars and constellations, you already are bracing yourself for unpleasant news. Someone must have died. And indeed,
Today Green Heritage Fund Suriname started a holiday activity in Brownsweg. Children will do real scientific research into the weather during a period of three
Hola! Soy una estudiante universitaria de Estados Unidos, estoy estudiando Biología Evolutiva, con especial interés en la Conservación. Como tal, GHFS ha sido una plataforma
Hello! My name is Greta Wong, and I am an American university student, studying Organismic Evolutionary Biology, with an interest in conservation. As such, GHFS
Carola Poleij y Stellar Tsang presentaron la adaptación de los materiales de GLOBE Suriname a los científicos de la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y
Carola Poleij and Stellar Tsang presented adapted GLOBE materials for Suriname to the scientists of the National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA) at the end
Mis estudios sobre pesca y vida silvestre han despertado mi pasión por el conservacionismo y el trabajo de campo. Viajé desde Florida, Estados Unidos, hacia
My studies in Fisheries and Wildlife have brought my passion for conservation and wildlife to hands on experience. I have traveled to Suriname from the
The Head Captain, Captains and Basya’s of Brownsweg are ready for the presentation of GHFS On Sunday, July 3rd, Monique Pool of Green Heritage Fund
with financing from: Sound in the ocean. Photo: © SpaceQuest and Google Oceans Paramaribo – Wednesday 8 June is World Ocean Day, a fact that
Empowering Women in Nature Conservation: Argentina and Beyond presented by the Women for Wildlife Network and the University of Buenos Aires, 25-27 April 2016 The
Disclaimer: Warning! Not all animals survive their ordeal and some of the pictures below may contain disturbing images. Paramaribo, 18 March 2016 Yesterday I felt
For those people who missed the CNN Heroes award show this is the excerpt of the show about our founder Monique Pool, who was awarded
My name is Isa, I was born on the 22nd of February 2016 around 17:15, and was found by auntie Isabella Kirkland, a visiting artist, who
Avistamiento de Cetáceos en Suriname Este video formó parte de la presentación de Monique Pool, Chairman de Green Heritage Fund Suriname, en las Jornadas Técnicas
Notes and images from the field from Stellar Tsang, one of our photographers: The dolphins were having a blast, got to get close to an osprey,
29 January 2016 Now that the first month of 2016 is coming to a close, I decided to put down some of my thoughts and
During the summer months, the nursery was in full swing with a handful of sloths under the age of one year. A new rehabilitation center
A few days ago I decided that I really have to finish my book about the sloth rescue in 2012, Slothaggedon. Together and with the
This blog was started on the 7th of June by me, Monique Pool, because I think it is time to clearly state my ideas. Because
24 December 2014 – Make your own Sloth (Christmas) Balls (and support our fundraising campaign) What you’ll need : • Download the above sloth faces
All activities of the foundation are aimed at improving the awareness and the understanding of the general public regarding environmental issues.
They are in general aimed at promoting sustainable development and the conservation and wise use of nature and natural resources in Suriname.
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