Dolfijnen spotten in de Surinamerivier!
Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er
Zondag 15 september was het tijd om mee te gaan met de boottrip van Green Heritage Fund Suriname. Tijdens de boottrip richting Braamspunt worden er
Er zijn 33 nieuwe Important Marine Mammal Areas (belangrijke zeezoogdiergebieden – IMMA’s) geïdentificeerd en op de kaart[1] geplaatst in de Zuidwest-Atlantische Oceaan vanaf de Guianas,
This component seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange between various stakeholders in community-centered interventions for the conservation of mangroves. The knowledge exchange has multiple dimensions and
This component seeks to develop a relevant curriculum and deliver training for Nickerie and Coronie. This training aims to support sustainable practices and livelihoods of
This key component of the Community Conservation of Mangroves project aims to develop content and execute activities that will build community and stakeholder awareness and
The Green Heritage Fund Suriname, with funding from the IDB LAB, will pilot a model of Community Based Mangrove Management (CBMM) in the coastal districts,
By Ted van Hooff The sea and coastal area of the Guianas is home to many extraordinary animal species, among which are the Guiana dolphin,
PARAMARIBO, 8 November 2018 – Prior to the school holidays Green Heritage Fund Suriname (G.H.F.S) made school visits to Junior Secondary General schools in Paramaribo to
This year in addition to planning the screening of ocean related movies with the American Corner at TBL Cinemas, we also decided to participate in
Paramaribo – Friday, June 8 is World Ocean Day, a fact that Green Heritage Fund Suriname in collaboration with The American Corner of the
We had already heard that the dolphins in Brazil were very polluted, but now there is even more evidence that dolphins may actually be the canary
WWF, CI Suriname, Green Heritage Fund Suriname and the SHATA are seriously concerned about the fact that the government once again gave permission to mine sand at
Paramaribo – Thursday June 8th is World Oceans Day, a fact that Green Heritage Fund Suriname (GHFS) will commemorate with the recent film ‘A Plastic Ocean’. The
“Suriname is one of the greenest countries in the world and we must protect and conserve our green country”, you may have heard this statement, but
Guest blog by: Julian Pengel Walvisnatie nummer 1 van de wereld, Japan, heeft bij monde van één van zijn IWC vertegenwoordigers ooit beweerd dat de walvissen
In a few days the 66th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will begin in Slovenia. This time, one of the most important issues
with financing from: Sound in the ocean. Photo: © SpaceQuest and Google Oceans Paramaribo – Wednesday 8 June is World Ocean Day, a fact that
Fotoverslag Launch Virtueel Museum Braamspunt.org / Picture report Launch Virtual Museum Braamspunt.org Als je meer wilt weten over hoe dit tot stand is gekomen klik
Leaders of Mercosur Give Their Full Support to Whaling Moratorium and the Proposed Creation of the Southern Atlantic Whale Sanctuary. 6. Destacaron su compromiso permanente
Our friend Alejandro from Argentina gives instructions about setting up the whale. Rolling out the whale. The ladies of the dolphin programme pay careful attention
The Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science and the preceding film evening at TBL Cinemas were a great success. The films were that evening the best
The Masterclass in Marine Environmental Science and the preceding film evening at TBL Cinemas were a great success. The films were that evening the best
All activities of the foundation are aimed at improving the awareness and the understanding of the general public regarding environmental issues.
They are in general aimed at promoting sustainable development and the conservation and wise use of nature and natural resources in Suriname.
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